Friday, May 10, 2019

Definitions of Success

How do we really define success.  I think there can be a little bit of success in all that we do.  I take win's, however small they are, as small milestones toward my greater goals.  I'm totally feeling successful these days.  I know I have not written a post in a little while.  Frankly it is hard to come up with witty, and interesting things to talk about on a daily basis.  I'm also not an award winning writer, so there is that. Ha! 

A day or two ago, I stepped up on the scale.  I normally don't do it until Sunday, but I was freaking out a little bit because I have not been running as much as I should.  But I have been sticking to my Keto diet.  Even when sticking to a diet, you still suck in a few carbs here and there. Old habits are hard to break, and let me tell ya, that Trickster IPA get's me every time!   But here I stand, looking down at little red numbers hoping that it's readout is something positive.  Then, Boom!  197.2!  I've still lost a few more pounds, a total loss of 17.8 pounds. 

These are wins, and I look back at what is getting me there.  I'm following my diet, 99% of the time.  I do cheat a little here and there.  I had sushi the other day, which is a little carb heavy, 27g,  but when you are already on a strict diet and consuming virtually zero carbs in everything else you eat.  You are close to the Keto allowance of 20 /day.   So hey,  I'm not perfect, but 99% of the time I am!  I feel that is still successful and my results are proving that I'm right.

All success has some reward.  It could be as good as a good feeling.  I do this fairly often,  I see tuns of people walking by a small piece of paper that is on the floor.  Someone clearly dropped it, whether it was a wrapper, a trashed receipt, or just some garbage.  But I, most of the time, will pick it up and throw it away.  Keeping our facility clean, because I think others appreciate it and I also don't like litter.  But that is a win for me, a little bit of success and I end up feeling good about it.

In my fitness journey I am being rewarded by feeling better and losing weight.  And I really feel good and motivated to keep going!  It's hard to make diet and fitness a lifestyle, but it is necessary.  As I approach 45 years of age,  I feel aches and pains in my body all the time.  My sciatic nerve shoots pain down my leg virtually all day long.  My tummy frequently goes on the fritz, and I'm fairly certain that IBS runs in my family.  My dad screams at me all the time,  "you should take probiotics, it works miracles!"  Ha! Dad!  But I truly believe that a healthy diet and being more fit helps alleviate some of the pains of getting older.  Maybe not all of them, but a little bit of relief makes a world of difference. At least it does for me.

Today's Progress
I rocked out a solid work out today.  While my splat points were down,  I had a more weight lifting workout. I was doing some sort of bench press and my arms literally felt like jello tube extensions from my shoulder down to my fingers.  It was hard, and my back was hurting and I was really miserable.  My coach today calls it "uncomfortable", blah, blah.  You try being in this body for a day and tell me if your miserable or just "uncomfortable" when you heart is racing at 107% on the heart rate monitor.  :P   Complaints aside, I keep going because I want success. I want to beat this and I want to be in great shape this summer.  It's already starting to be gorgeous out!  Time to feel great!

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