Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 39 - Chaotic life, but I'm making it work.

It's mid day and super windy out and I can't help but to relate to the chaos that is brought on by strong winds.  I'm here at work today and the wind has claimed destruction over patio sets and the tree's.  Leaves flock about the street in a whirl and leave a mess of chaotic clutter upon the streets.  My life has not felt much different than this as of late.  It turns out that the hardest part about exercising is making time to write this blog each day.  I've been struggling from task to task to fit in the time.  The good news is that I have been doing a great job at sticking with my exercise routines.  It's been a rough road and getting back into the swing of things after being sick for a week has been a real challenge.  To catch you up,  I've been trying to hit CrossFit at least 4 times a week. 
 On my off days I've been running anywhere from 1 mile to 2.8 miles depending if my chaotic life has blown me in the opposite direction of CrossFit.  This has happened a couple times and it get's quite frustrating because all I want to do is get in a good workout, go home and eat like a pig from a trough.  Moreover, I am so exhausted when I get home that going upstairs to write my blog has been less of a priority and the food coma after I eat keeps me secured in my chair.

Getting sick sucked, We've all been through it and it's never fun.  The worst part about it is how it totally destroy's your routine.  Combine that with Jen's new job schedule and trying to find the best time to do CrossFit and I find myself needing a personal assistant. Ha!  Luckily,  I've fallen into a routine the past week or so and it is kinda working out.  I don't want to get up at 5:00 am anymore, plus Jen doesn't get up that early anymore and trying to get up on my own is completely hopeless.  So I had to find just the right solution.

My solution is pretty simple when you say it out loud,  Get up, make my protein shake, and go to work; leaving the house by 7:00 am.  Arriving at work by 8:00 seems to be the standard, because traffic at 7:00 am is a total nightmare.  So instead of my normal 40 minute drive, I'm stuck with a full 60 minutes of bumper to bumper.  That sucks, but it allows me to get off of work at 4:00 - 4:30 which is barely enough time to get to the 5:00 pm CrossFit class.  Where the wind blows in my direction,is usually around 4:00 when it's time to leave work and I've missed my CrossFit class a couple of times.  Thankfully, I have a solid backup plan, which is to run a mile and then follow it up with a solid upper body workout.   10 push-up's,  30 sit-ups,  20 Arm dips, and 50 jumping jacks,  and repeat that until I can't anymore.  Right now I'm up to 2 sets of that after my run,

On another note,  Paleo has been great!  I've really been enjoying all the food that Jen has been making and the diet has been the least difficult part of this journey to fitness.  There are so many wonderful recipes out there and we have been taking full advantage of it's deliciousness. 

Today's Goal.

I've been making it a habit to try to get to CrossFit every day,  so that is my goal today.  The workout for today looks pretty crazy and I have missed 2 days in a row.  Thankfully I did a bit of a workout each day to keep the momentium going.  But looks at this routine!  Crazy huh!

Workout Of The Day
Thursday, February 12th
Ab Tabata

WOD: "Beast 12"
25 Walking Lunges
20 Pull-ups
50 Box Jumps, 20/18
20 Double Unders
25 Ring Dips
20 Knees To Elbows
30 Russian Swings, 2/1.5 pood
30 Sit-up (standard)s
20 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans, 35/25 lbs
25 Back Extensions
30 Wall Balls, 20/14
3 Rope Climbs

Overall Progress.
So I'll try to keep you all posted on how it goes,   Right now, I'm down about 15 lbs and I had a fantastic day last weekend.  I went to my best friends daughters birthday party, she is 2 and adorable. When I arrived there everyone was boasting about how good I look and how much thinner I looked.  I could barely tell myself, but apparently it was pretty noticeable to those that have not seen me in a while.  This was very exciting for me and really has given me a boost in motivation to keep it up.  I have 22 days until my Birthday party so I'm going to have to work it hard to get my tummy as flat as possible for the big day.   

Thanks everyone for all your support! 

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