Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 45 - Fit for life

Green Lantern is the beacon for which I stand each day. He gives me hope that there is a way to get through any situation.  I'm representing Green Lantern on my birthday and I've been having a bit of trouble figuring out what I wanted to do for my costume.  March 7th is the day of my party, and the day is coming quick.  So recently, I've had to make a few tough choices and I've concluded that making my own costume is not going to happen.  There are a several reasons, but it is mainly due to lack of time and a plethora of skill that I just don't posses.  I have a vivid imagination of what my costume would look like and I have no means to accomplish the vision. The other issue is money, and it seems that my vision costs a lot more than I am willing to spend on a costume.

So in my despair, I have searched for a new solution, and what I've found might even be better than any costume that I could have made.  There are a few conditions in order for me to pull off this new solution and if I don't meet them I could seriously look ridiculous.  So here is my idea;  After much discussion with Jen and lots of Google-ing,  I've found a top notch artist that does full body painting.  The new plan is to go head to toe full body paint (except the private parts *wink*).   As you can imagine, or may not want to, if I am not fit by the time painting day comes around, then this could end up a complete disaster.  

Fear, is Green Lantern's arch nemesis.  It is also mine, and I definitely have some fears about this full body paint thing.  Firstly,  I'm not the hairless boy that I was when I was 12 years old.  I've grown into a full blown harry man (eww gross), and hair removal is going to be part of the process.  My mind immediately flashes to the movie 40 year old virgin, and instead of Steve Carell laying on the table it is me;  and I'm screaming "Kelly Clarkson!".  I can vividly see that Asian girl, holding up a patch of hair while I'm laying there crying, and calling me a "Pussy".   Ha!  This is NOT going to be fun.   Regardless,  the Green Lantern within overcomes these fears and I will press on as planned.

There is some good news,  and I was extremely excited about this today.  I weighed in at 184.8,  which means I have lost 17.2 lbs in 45 days!  I didn't even realize that I've lost that much and now it is making a bit more sense, that other people are recognizing my weight loss efforts.  This routine that I've been doing is obviously working, and I just have to stick to it.

Today's Goal.

I start a new program at CrossFit today.  My CrossFit TOV, is starting up a new program that really defines out what CrossFit is and they train you more on technique.  I signed up for 5 classes of the CrossFit essentials, so that my normal CrossFit workouts are not so brutal.  I didn't really know or understand this before,  but if your not doing the exercises properly your actually expending more energy and effort to do the same task.  The more fatigue I would get, the worse I was doing the technique.  These new classes at CrossFit are for beginners, and train you how to maintain the correct form and technique during the workouts.  So I'm excited about this new program; can't wait!

Today's goal is about knowledge, and learning the right way to do CrossFit!

Overall Progress.

I think overall I'm doing pretty good.  I've been on a steady routine of CrossFit and Running my 2.8 miles.  I do the running on days that I don't do CrossFit and that has been a nice relief from brutal workouts.  Recently, I started walking at work on my lunch.  I really like this, and I'm going to try to do that every day as well.  It's not a heavy workout, but a 1.5 mile walk still burns calories and is good for the heart (I've heard).  Then, every few days I take a rest day, or sometimes two depending on what my body is telling me.  I use to feel so guilty about taking a day off, but now it is more of a reward for all the hard work I've been putting into being fit.  

I looked in the mirror recently, and for once I was excited about being me.  I really have not felt that way in a long time.  I was getting old, and I was drastically overweight compared to what I was in my 20's.  This 60 days of fitness has probably been the best decision I've made in my life and my results keep inspiring me to keep it going and make this a lifestyle for myself.  This is no longer just looking good for my party,  it is looking good for the rest of my life!

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