So like I said, I am turning 40 this year on March 3rd. My lovely wife and I are planning a Marvelous 40th birthday party and yes it is a costume party where we all dress up as our favorite Marvel Super Hero's. Honestly, they don't have to dress up as Marvel, but we figured the pun was good. I am going as Green Lantern ( picture to the right ) and I don't want to look like a fat man dressed up as the Green Lantern super hero, that would look just ridiculous! So my goal is to slim up, and be fit enough to do my favorite super hero proud. So that means as of today, January 5th 2015, I have 60 days to get fit.
This Blog.
This blog will be my day to day progress. I'll be posting pictures each morning and hopefully get some before and after pictures going. I'll also be posting the progress of my costume. I'm aiming for the picture above which is a nice blend of the modern, Ryan Reynolds, and the old school Green Lantern. I'm not a hard core Green Lantern fan like some of you. I have not read the comics, and I've only found a love for the Green Lantern after the movie brought him to life. So another mission which I may post about are comics that I find of the Green Lantern.
Today's Progress.
Today, I got up at 5:00 am. Jen, my wife, woke me up by waving her bright android phone screen in my face. I must have been pretty hard to wake up. Last week or so has been rough for me as vacation rigamortis has kicked in. My sleeping habits have gone right out the door and last night I had to take a sleeping pill just to ensure that I would not stay up until 2-3:00 am watching movies.
Today's mission was simple. Stretch, and get some cardio exercise. Naturally, I went for a jog down the street. I find that it is important to set goals for yourself, even when doing a short jog down the street. My first goal was to make it to the Mobil - AM/PM down the street. I didn't Google Maps it prior to making my trip, but I really didn't imagine it was that far. At least it didn't seem that far. Hind sight, it was about 1.4 miles one way, and needless to say; I didn't make it. But that was okay, I did make it to the end of my street, which I was shocked to find out is .5 miles, which means that I jogged 1 mile my first day! The goal of reaching the Mobil - AM/PM will continue to be my goal each morning, and I'll be pretty proud when I get to tell you that I jogged almost 3 miles.
We'll that is all for today folks, I hope you've enjoyed my blog and I hope that you follow my progress as I attempt what seems impossible, 60 days of fitness for a fat old man.
I'm super proud of you! This is very motivating, and I'm joining in your mission. :)