Friday, January 9, 2015

Day 5 - A great end to a week of hard work!

Yesterday turned out to be a pretty good day,  but it was very exhausting.  I made a trip to San Diego in my EV (Electric Vehicle).  The car had some problems charging the night before, so I had to go on quite a mission to find a charge station once I got into the San Diego area.  It became quite an adventure really, and it was slightly stressful as my remaining charge was at 16%; which equates to about 9.5 miles.   Luckily, a nice lady helped me out and got me close enough to a charge station where I could charge up Eve, which is the nickname that Jen has given my car. Shortly after, I found the DC Fast Charger and was able to get my car charged up to 83% in 30 minutes and I was free to start the rest of my day.   I spent the day in San Diego, picked up a friend from the airport,  had dinner and it was back home.   When I got home, at about 8:00, I was drained and with that being said I pretty much passed out as soon as I hit the bed.  The nice thing about this is that I got plenty of sleep and waking up this morning, wasn't too bad.  I shuffled around the house getting ready, my basic routine for the morning, and one thing that I noticed is that I was actually feeling pretty good.  The pain in my legs was pretty much gone and my ankle felt fine.   I was excited about today's run and before I knew it I was suited up and ready to hit the street.

Today's Goal.

Now I'm feeling pretty good about myself and the condition of my body,  so I'm going to take a stab at possibly pushing myself a little further today.  However, I was really afraid to commit to anything. I'm not in pain, but does that mean I can go further than I've already been going?  Today's goal is definitely to make it past the bridge, I just wasn't sure how far past the bridge I could go.  There was definitely some uncertainty but never the less,  I am going to push myself.

Today's Progress.

It was really nice to be hitting the pavement so refreshed.  I feel like a million bucks, as the saying goes, and about half way down the street I realize that I'm not even breathing hard yet.   This was definitely a good sign, and just from that I felt a sense of reward.  Now I'm approaching the end of my street, and I'm still not breathing hard.  What is going on here?  For the past four days, I've been severely out of breath by now and today I am feeling great and I feel like I can really do some damage to my overall goal of reaching the Mobile AM/PM.   So I blow right past the end of my street and hit the bridge,  and I all I have to say is "wow" what .1 of a mile can do to you.  Ha!  I got to the bridge and I started to loose breath, but it still wasn't too bad.   I felt I could really push further and it was only then that I was able to adjust my goal for today, which was to continue past the bridge and get to the end of Dulin Road where it meets Old Hwy 395.    Pushing on,  one of my favorite songs comes on my Pandora.  Now, don't judge me, but I run to the Enya station on Pandora.  It is relaxing, and gives me a sense of calm as my feet hit the pavement time and time again.  So as I'm listing to one of my favorites I'm highly motivated and I made it!  I hit my goal with no problem and no pain.  I'm definitely out of breath and I could tell if I ran much further, I don't know if I'll be able to make it all the way back home.  So I head back.   The run back was a little bit of a struggle but I totally pulled it off.  

I don't really know if this is normal, or if I was just having a good day.  But as I hit my driveway I had the greatest sense of accomplishment.   Today I ran 1.6 miles,  which is over half way to my overall goal!   Today I felt exalted, and that type of reward is what keeps me going from day to day.  Needless to say,  I did a victory dance right there in my driveway.