Friday, January 16, 2015

Day 12 - Eat my pride and rest.

These past 11 days have taught me some invaluable lessons.  I think the first major lesson that I learned is that a solid can-do attitude can help you overcome mental issues that revolve around motivation.  My will power has kept me strong so that I can push forward each day.

The second lesson that I learned is that my pride was doing more damage than good.  I thought that I knew what was best for my body, I thought if I run every day for 60 days that it was the key to being fit and getting in good shape.  Despite all the warning signs,  I pushed forward and I didn't listen to my body, nor my friends and family whom have been telling me for a few days now that I need to have breaks.  I need time for my body to mend so that I can push forward.  My pride got in the way and next thing I know, I have a calf injury.   So even though my calf is feeling quite a bit better today,  I decided to listen to the lessons being taught and give myself a day to recover.

Another lesson that I've learned is that just running, for me, is not going to be enough to reach my goal.   I was at 193 lbs and now I'm at 195 lbs.  I know that weight fluctuates,  but I was 193 a few days ago and I was feeling good about that.  I am going to need not only a solid running plan, but a workout to build upper body strength as well I need a diet that will feed the body the proper nutrients.

My pride has been getting in my own way,  but no more.  I'm putting that all down starting today and I'm going to be smart about my fitness program.

Today's Goal.

I just love this logo I found on Google images.
Today's goal, is to take a break and learn more about the right fitness and diet plans.   There are so many to choose from so today I'm going to power search my way through Google and find what I like and what I think is going to be the best fit for my objective.

Today's Progress.

So the first thing that I did was search Google for "Diet programs that work well with fitness".  As I suspected, there are going to be a million and one "Fastest way to loose weight" dieting plans and I'm going to have to sift though the bologna to find the right one.

One of the first few results on Google, and you might have guessed this is Jillian Michaels.  I'm a fan of hers,  so naturally I like anything that she does.  I've tried a few of her workout videos in the past, and frankly back then I couldn't get past the warm-up.  So I  scoured her site for a little while looking for some sort of Meal plan.  The problem with Jillian Michaels is that it is so commercialized that everything costs money.  If you want to learn how to eat right, then you better get your credit card out.  So I've abandoned her site for now and I'm going to move on.  I'm sure there is a tun of solid information out there that doesn't require my credit card.

So I found something interesting in my search.  Ryan Reynolds workout:  The 6-pack diet plan.  Ha!  Mr. Green Lantern himself is going to show me how to get fit.  This is gunna be good!  So far, I like what I'm reading, and there are a few sub links to go over like  The Paleo Diet for Athletes, so I'm going to check that out.  After a bit of research on the Paleo Diet, it actaully seems pretty cool.  They call it the caveman diet, because it's focused around not eating processed foods.  That can't be bad at all, in fact Jen and I often talk and do try to eat more organic.  Paleo is more than just that,  it's also about doing other fitness activities as well as eating lean meats and veggies.  While I couldn't seem to find any free resources for this,  it might be something I want to invest 24.99 for the book that spells it out for you.   In Ryan's interview article he talks about what he eats and it sounds easy enough.  I really like what the article says here.

Eat More
"I attribute my results mostly to nutrition," Reynolds says. (See "What He Eats," below, for a sample menu.) He ate every 2 to 3 hours to burn more fat. "Your body doesn't need to store fat for energy if you're feeding it all the time," explains Bobby Strom, Reynolds's Los Angeles-based trainer.


2 eggs, some "good" fat like a spoon of almond butter or slice of avocado, and 1 cup of oatmeal with applesauce

Midmorning Snack
protein bar

albacore tuna wrap or chicken and salad

Midafternoon Snack
protein shake (whey and water), protein bar, or apple and almonds

broiled fish or chicken, brown rice, vegetables, and salad

Snack protein shake

I definitely think this is something I could do.  As of right now, I rarely eat breakfast,  I don't eat all day and then I eat a big meal when I get home.  So this is going to take some adjustment for me.

Of all the different diets that I looked at while searching Google, South Beach, Low Carb, No Carb (atkins),  This Paleo Diet seems like the right choice and I'm going to give it a shot.

Jen is doing the "isagenix" diet starting tomorrow.  She got the kit and everything and it looks pretty amazing.  But I'm a caveman at heart and I'm going to give this a try first.

As for the workout routine,  I'm now looking into something called cross fit.  It was mentioned in a video that I watched while researching about Paleo, and I have a few friends that have gone to a crossfit gym.  So I'm definitely interested.   I haven't got the perfect plan,  I love running now so I'm definitely going to stick with that, but I'm going to have to limit that to 3-4 days a week so I can fit in some of these other fitness routines.

Lessons learned, and I'm swallowing my pride and taking the advice that has been given.  Rest is good for the body!


  1. You can walk too... Maybe on your non running days. Every little bit helps. That diet sounds good, I would like to try.

  2. I love crossfit! It's basically what I was doing before, not at a gym, but at home with my insanity workouts. It is VERY effective. Also, Paleo is an excellent choice! Very good for your body especially when you are staying active. Love you!
