Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day 19 & 20 - An Adventure and a Bizarre run

Sometimes life has a way of preventing your plans no matter what you do.  Yesterday was a case of just that.  I had originally planned to get up at 5:00 in the morning and do CrossFit, which would have been the first time I had done CrossFit two days in a row.  However, I didn't set my alarm and neither did Jen.  A couple days ago, Jen left her Job and while I support her 100%,  I miss my 5:00 am alarm clock.  "Mister, wake up Mister", best alarm clock ever!   So I didn't get to do CrossFit, and realistically I blame myself more that life for that one.  What comes next is a full day of work at and that doesn't leave any room for exercise.  I supose I could go run on my lunch, but I didn't prepare for that so I don't have the proper gear.  Maybe something I should do in the future is bring some cloths to work for a short lunch workout.  Never the less, that didn't happen yesterday and I was hoping to make CrossFit the first thing I do right when I get off of work.

My job is not very demanding,  in fact it is by far the best place I've ever worked.  However, when a job needs to get done, you have to suck it up and get it done even if that means ruining your after hours plans.  That was the case yesterday as I had a fairly important project to complete and if I didn't get it done it would have seriously impacted Buzztime's schedule for launching our next game title.  So I had to again modify my plan,  I was going to hit up the 5:00 pm CrossFit session, and now I had to do the 6:00 one.

For several months now, we've promised a couple of our closest friends that we would look after their car for a few months while they were on work contract in New York.  My friend is Brock Boyts and if you just feel like enjoying about 10 minutes of your life, I would highly advise to go check out his website (  We were expecting Brock and Nellie to drop off the car today at 6:30 pm and so that pretty much ruled out CrossFit for today.  However, I figured that I could run and arguably exercise is exercise.

Life loves to throw curve balls at you at high speeds,  and I'm normally pretty good at knocking them out of the park.  Yesterday not so much,  I could not seem to catch a break.  No matter how much I prioritized what I wanted to do, something else was just more important and sometimes that is just how it is.  Yesterday,  my friends needed my help and they were struggling and that, in my book, is reason enough to put my needs on hold for the rest of the day.  We ended up driving to Orange County and meeting up with them.

Let me tell you right now,  it was so worth it.  I got to meet Layla, Brock and Nellie's newest addition to the family, and she was so adorable.  Children just strike my heart with a spear, and make it ooze love.  She was such a fantastic personality to meet and I was truly thankful and blessed to have had the chance to meet her before Brock and the family headed back east.

So no exercise yesterday, but what an adventure I had!

Today was a much different story, and it all started with Jen telling me that I was virtually impossible to wake up.  Ya see we didn't get home until midnight and I was literally dead tired.  But running was my priority and with solid motivation and Jen's ultimatum "get up or else" I hopped out of bed and got suited up for a run.

Today's Goal.

Today I'm going on my typical run.  I've set my goal to do a 1.6 mile run, but I need to change it up a bit.  So I decided that instead of just doing the same ole jog there and back that I was going to do a light jog there and really press hard to a achieve a full speed run on the way back.  So .8 miles at a full run speed should get my heart pumping pretty good and give me a fantastic workout.

Today's Progress.

Today's run was one of the best run's I have had yet and it was also one of the most bizarre.  Immediately when I stepped out of my house, I could feel that is wasn't cold.  In fact, it kind of felt like I was standing next to a space heater and there was a slight wind that was blowing this warm air upon my face.  This was not very typical and I was expecting a nice chilling 59 degrees to run in.  So I am heading towards the end of my street and as soon as I hit the end and turned onto Dulin Rd, I could feel a temperature drop of what felt about 30 degrees.  This drop was paired with a wind that immediately stunk my face with pins and needles of cold.  The strange thing was that it was completely out of the blue, and it's not like it felt windy out or anything.  The temperature difference was this strange anomaly during my run and by the time I passed the bridge, the next wave of this anomaly happened; bam' warm again.   This hot and cold anomaly lasted my entire run, and it was trippin me out.

I got to the end of Dulin Rd, and took a moment to get a good stretch going.  I have grown to love that after warm-up burn,  and so this has become part of my running routine.  I started to head back and as I was running, I was focusing on running technique.  Thinking back to my Track and Field days from high school, I remembered all the things my coach taught us.  I put the knowledge to good use and started to pick up speed until I was at a full speed run.  I was really working on my stride, so that I could cover more ground with each step and about half way back down the street I could really feel the burn in pretty much every muscle of my legs.  I was pushing pretty hard, but I could totally handle it.

Now being half way down the street it was time to do a systems check.   I don't want to overload, or burn out too fast so making sure I am keeping to solid running techniques is important.  Arms pumping and elbows in, check.  I checked that I was rolling from heel to toe with every jarring step and most importantly that I was managing my breathing properly.

I was 100% and going strong and it wasn't before long that I came across another runner.  I put out my arm and give her a big thumbs up and held it there long enough for her to see.  I know this always was encouraging to me when I saw another runner and I wanted to give her a thumbs up so maybe that was what she might have needed to keep it going strong.   Shortly after, I hit my driveway with pride.  A strong finish, and I was feeling great!  Best run ever and certainly the most bizarre.

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