Thursday, January 15, 2015

Day 11 - Injured, but I'm not going to cry about it. Get out there and run!

Yesterday, I ran to the Mobile AM/PM again and I made it for the second time.  I've been pushing myself pretty hard for the last 10 days, but I guess I found my limit.  After yesterday's run,  my calves were killing me.  They hurt before the run,  but this was different.  Now I'm not exactly sure what happened,  but as I was walking down my stairs yesterday morning, I felt a really sharp pain on or maybe a half inch below my calf.   As yesterday progressed, so did the pain and I figured that maybe a little bit of ibuprofen would help the issue.   It did a little, but clearly there was something wrong.

This morning I woke up and I thought I should take it a bit easy.  Maybe run and not push myself to the extreme.  My calf was feeling better,  but I knew the pain was still there.   As I got ready,  the pain was slowly starting to return.  It makes sense really,  I'm walking around and I'm putting weight on it.

I don't want to stop running,  but I also don't want to turn this minor injury into something more.  As I proceed to get suited up,  I was thinking that If i can map a route that is a bit more flat that just maybe I can salvage this day and still make the best effort I can.   I'm not giving up and I'm certainly not going to let a little pain in my calf stop me from achieving my goal.

Today's Goal.

I hopped on my phone and started to map our a route on Waze.  Waze is a nifty app similar to Google maps.  I pretty much use it for any of my mapping needs.  So I found a route that takes me around my community and it since I know my area, I know that it is a pretty flat run.  My goal today is to take it easy,  and run half of yesterday's run.   I hate regression,  but I have to do what is right for my body, and my body is screaming at me right now.  So 1.6 miles seems reasonable and hopefully my calf can take it.  Worst case scenario is that I have to walk a little if the pain is unbearable.

Today's Progress.

I know that this is going to be a tough run,  I hit the streets already with a weary mindset and I'm hoping that I'm not going to have any problems.   I head to the end of my street and while there is pain it is not too bad.  I have yet to have the sharp pain that I had yesterday so things are looking pretty good.

As I turned the corner, and I head the opposite direction of where I normally run.  I guess a change in scenery is nice.  As I'm jogging down Dulin Rd,  there are people out on the street.  It was kinda weird and creepy,  but they were probably just waiting for a ride to work or something.  So I just ignore it and press on.

Now I don't know what genius thought up the street names around my community, but his / her creativity or lack there of, is astounding!  In order for me to get back home,  I have to make a right off of Dulin Rd onto  Lake Circle Dr.   As I approach the first street,  I look at the sign and I see Lake Circle,  so naturally I think I'm there.  But when I turn the corner I've noticed that it is a cul de sac.   Huh?  Yeah,  this was Lake Circle Pl,  so I push on to the next street.  Oh look,  Lake Circle again except this one is called Lake Circle Ct. Genius!  You would think that civil engineers would be smarter people.   So as I was running I took note of any street off of Lake Circle Dr and it appears that any street that goes inward from my street is also called  Lake Circle XX (eg.  ln, ct, rd, ave, pl ..).    So confusing.

Anyways,  I made it home okay,  I ran 1.6 miles.  I had a few sharp pain incidents along the way,  but it wasn't anything serious.  I do think that I might have to moderately build up to the 2.8 miles again.  I will use this route to strengthen my leg up and I should hopefully be back to my 2.8 miles by the end of the week.

I feel that the important thing here is that I didn't give up on myself.  My will is strong,  and I'm proud that I made the effort to get out there and try instead of just sitting at home and crying about my injured calf.  

1 comment:

  1. Smart running includes rest days, different routes/intensities, good stretching, plenty of hydration, etc, etc.
