Sunday, January 11, 2015

Day 7 - Feeling Accomplished!

Today I rewarded myself with sleep.  I intentionally set my alarm for 7:00 am and well, I slept until 9.  I guess I felt that if my Grandpa says that I can get up whenever I want on the weekends; that was the only thing the only thing that was running through my mind as the buzzing alarm was outright annoying my ear drum.  I got up, and I feel fantastic.  Not only do I have a great sense of accomplishment,  but my body has not felt this good since I was in high school.  Yes,  it really has been that long since I've gotten any consistent and quality exercise.  Honestly, I'm pretty ashamed of myself for not treating my body better for 22 years.   But that is all behind me now, and I'm on my way to a better lifestyle.

I want to take a good look at what I've accomplished in the last week.  I received a major win for being able to run 1.6 miles and achieved my goal every day.  I've stuck out though the pain.   I've created a nice routine of running, stretching and writing my blog every day.  I also receive a win for taking control of my will, and finding strength when the going got tough.   All of my hard work has not been without reward.   For one,  I feel great.  For those that know me well, they know that I use to drink Rockstar's or RedBull every day.  I have not needed one of those this entire week.  Funny thing, was that my motivation for going to the Mobile AM/PM on Day 1 was to get a Rockstar because I was out of energy drink.  Now, I don't even need them.  I've had more energy every day than I know what to do with.  Another reward, is just the feeling of success.  Personally, I'm addicted to success.  It is what drives me every day at work.  It is the driving force as a programmer and a game developer to set your sights on something and make it happen.  Last, but definitely not least,  I started running at 202 lbs.  I wrote that I am a fat old man,  and while others do not think that I am fat or obese, I feel fat and obese.  When I was in high school, I weighed 135 lbs and I am almost 6 feet tall.  I was super skinny.   The older I got,  the more I started to look like a potato.   Today I weighed myself,  and I am proud to say that I weigh in at 193.1 lbs.   That is 8.9 pounds in 1 week.   I feel amazing!

I also wanted to take a second and talk about my costume.  My birthday is coming fast, and I have not even started on it yet.  I have not quite made the decision as to which version of the Green Lantern I want to be.  Should I be the Green Lantern from the movie that made me fall in love with the Hero.  Or should I be the traditional Green Lantern.   What do you think? Post your comments below.  I'm leaning more toward the traditional Green Lantern and I think that costume might be a little easier to pull off as well.

Today's Goal.

Today's goal was to to run my 1.6 miles.  I've done it for two days in a row, and after a third day I think I can press on starting next week.  Plus, what a great way to start off the week by breaking a barrier.  So today, I will run my 1.6 and hopefully I will not have too much of a struggle.

Today's Progress.

I'm feeling fantastic as I hit the street today and as an added bonus it is rainy outside.  I love the rain, and there was a light sprinkle which felt very refreshing as I made my way down, my street, Lake Circle drive.   I was rockin' my Enya, and before I knew it I was at the bridge.  The only problem I've had up until this point is that my feet are a bit sore, but that is small potatoes compared to what I've been though this week.  Now, I have yet to get what they call the "runners high" and I am not sure exactly why that is.  So I thought maybe I wasn't running fast enough, or pushing hard enough during my run.  So I begun to pick up the pace a little and see if I could get it.  Runners high is merely adrenaline that is released naturally by your body.   Next thing I know, I am at Dulin Rd.  I don't think I got the rush, but it sure felt good getting to Dulin Rd with so little trouble.   Like yesterday, I did a nice stretch there before heading back.  I am definitely going to make a habit of that.  It feel so good and according to my sister, it is the right thing to do.  She said doing a nice stretch after a warm up is proper and thus I am going to keep it up.

As I head back, and for the first time, I felt like running wasn't so bad.  I was out of breath, and sure I wanted to stop and walk.  But my previous trials have shown me that if I just keep going, I'll be home before I know it and I know that I can do it.  So I press on proudly!

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