Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day 6 - False Start, but I scored the touchdown.

False Start, 5 yard penalty,  still 1st down.   I woke up at 5:30 am, and gently put my head back on my pillow with the intention of getting up in just 5 more minutes.  Then I really woke up at 7:00.   It looks like weekends are going to be an uphill battle, and I can honestly see why.  No commitments!  I don't have to go into the office and neither does Jen, whom is my alarm most days.   A nice shove, or sometimes she is super nice and whispers "mister, time to wake up" in my ear.   However,  it is fend for yourself on the weekends. 

No one likes to get up late, it is a yucky feeling and depending on the circumstance of your commitment, you might feel rushed or even panicking.   My commitment today is mostly for myself and a little bit of you, the reader.   I had some added pressure because I had promised Jen that I would take our car in for service. 

I'll have to admit,  that this blog and those that read it are a big part of what motivates me every day.  I was actually having a discussion with my friend Danny at work about this.  That if I had never started writing about it, that just maybe I might have given up when it got really tough.  But, having a sense of commitment to you the reader has really saved me from myself a couple times.  So I want to thank each of you for reading my blog each day.  It means a lot, and helps with my motivation and will to continue.

Now that I am leaving later this morning,  the sun is already up.  I'm trying to get my run in and just maybe I'll have enough time to blog before my appointment with Kia (I didn't, I'm actually writing this from the dealer ship).  So I rushed out of the house, almost got attacked by my neighbors dog, whom apparently doesn't like men in hoodies!  

False start, 5 yard penalty, still 1st down ... Again!  Dang,  I'm on a roll.  I had forgotten to stretch, which is something I always do before I run.  I'm a mess and really I did not want to stop,  It would just kill my already dismal motivation.   So I went on without the stretch and my mind is filled with regret each time my feet pounded the pavement. 

The good news is that, through all the trials  I am running and I didn't give up.  Doesn't matter how bad my morning starts, it doesn't matter if I have lack of motivation,  I press on as if it were a bullet that bounced off of Superman's chest.

Today's Goal.

Today's goal was to run to Dulin Road and back.  I'm not pushing forward until I can make sure that I can do that 1.6 mile run without any problems.   The run back yesterday, was pretty tough.  At least I know I can do it.   It was definitely hard and my victory dance in my driveway was not without huffing and puffing.   I figure if I can do this run at least two to three times in a row then I'm  good to get at least half way up the Old Hwy 395. 

Today's Progress.

So I'm a total wreck by the time I hit the street this morning.  I didn't want to get out of bed, I almost forgot my headphones which meant no music, and I forgot to stretch before running (which I feel is kinda a bad thing).  I'm not sure why I stretch every morning, but I remember my track coach from my high school days telling us it was important.  So I've been doing that each morning before I run.  Today I forgot, and I was beating myself up about it as I made it half way up my street. 

I'm still doing pretty good tho,  I am almost to the end and breathing wise I'm handling it like a champ.  I think today was the first time I didn't even really think that the end of my street was any kind of marker.   I blew right past it not even acknowledging it's existence as if it had no importance to me anymore.   By the time I past the bridge,  I kinda had a smirk on my face as that mere fact dawned on me.   Awh yes, great news, that was motivation and I pushed hard to reach Dulin Road.  

Usually when I hit a one way goal, in this case Dulin Road,  I stop to catch my breath.  This time, I took some time to stretch since I didn't before I ran, and let me tell you I could feel everything!  It was kinda good,  but as I stretched those muscles I could feel what they call "the burn" and it was so nice.  I don't know if I'll make a habit of that or not, but it was good and now it's time to head back.

There was definitely a struggle as I was running back.  I made it back to my street with virtually no problem.  But after that I was having a hard time.  I really felt that I wanted to just stop and walk the rest of the way.  I didn't even want any motivation to keep running, but let me tell you here it comes!  Remember a couple days ago, there was another runner.  What a coincidence that he was running at the same time as me again, even when I got up late.   And as we pass paths, the will and motivation to press on was futile to resist.   I ran harder in that last .5 miles than in all the last 5 days put together and to boot my favorite enya song was rocking to the beat of every running step.

Today, I have gone through trials of failure to start,  but no matter what gets in my path weather it be myself or an angry dog mad at my hoodie,  I will prevail like the Green Lantern!


  1. I'm so proud of you, seriously! I haven't followed suit yet, but Monday is my day. A tip for you... It is actually better to stretch after a warmup, so what you did was a good thing. you can achieve a much deeper stretch once your muscles have been worked for a few minutes. Also, super important to stretch at least a little right after. I love you and I love what you are doing!

  2. Enjoy the weekends, you can run anytime you want to! No pesky work and stuff to get in your way!

  3. I'm just getting out of the house for my run. I am working up my willpower when i read your blog. Keep it up!

  4. That is awesome! Keep it going Chris!
